Anahita Kaman


Tell me a bit about yourself and why you joined LEND.

I’m a freshman who is looking to major in Economics and add another course of study (to be determined!). I’m originally from India, but I’ve spent most of my life growing up in Hong Kong. I joined LEND because I think that it’s a great way to not only support but learn more about the community that will be a home for me for the next few years. LEND is a place where I’ll be able to pursue both my career goals and professional skills, as well as my passion for social impact through nonprofit work.

What is your role in LEND and who have you worked with?

I’m currently a junior account manager. I’m looking forward to learning from my peers and the senior account managers so that I can apply my knowledge and skills to helping businesses soon.

What are you most excited to work on as a member of LEND’s team?

I’m excited to communicate and work directly with business owners. It will be a great avenue into learning more about how businesses work and their roles in shaping the Evanston community. I’m also eager to gain the practical skills that come from working in microfinance and applying those skills to both my career and my life.

Do you have any experience working with small businesses in your hometown?

Although I haven’t directly had any projects with small businesses, I’ve worked with various ones through the multiple clubs and student organizations I have been involved with in Hong Kong. This included reaching out to businesses that supported similar causes to provide fundraising and marketing.

Do you have a favorite small business in Evanston? If you’re not that familiar with Evanston’s small businesses, what is one you’re looking forward to going to?

I’m excited to explore the food scene in Evanston, and I’ve heard that there are a lot of cool restaurants! Although I’d love to try them all, I’m particularly looking forward to stopping by at Jennifer’s Edibles and Tomate Fresh Kitchen.

How do you spend your free time?

I’ve always loved reading and writing, but recently I’ve also really come to enjoy exercising! It’s a great way to feel productive and puts me in a great state of mind. I also love listening to and exploring new music, so I like spending time curating my Spotify playlists.

LEND Evanston